Please send us your request directly using the form.
You can also contact us by phone at
+49 (0)3322 42 882 45
We are happily looking forward to hearing from you.
Event organiser
Schaustellerbetrieb Wollenschlaeger GmbH
Factory address:
Werkstr. 1, 16727 Oberkrämer / OT Bötzow
Seepromenade 96, 14612 Falkensee
Phone: +49 (0)3322 42 882 45
Fax: +49 (0)3322 42 341 39
Mobile: +49 (0)163 4000 500
Attention showmen and dealers
If you would like to take part in our Schloßplatz winter market as a dealer, artist or showman, please contact our office directly. Please send your documents (space requirements, kw connection, current photo of your company, return postage) to this address: x x x x x
Schaustellerbetrieb Wollenschlaeger GmbH
Seepromenade 96
14612 Falkensee
Phone: +49 (0)3322 42 882 45
Fax: +49 (0)3322 42 341 39